I have been having so much fun creating and selling my bottle cap art designs! My latest is "
Cute Fruit" and "
Cupcake Cutie Alpha Set" as show above.
I've discovered a wonderful site that is FREE for artisans and crafters called
ArtFire. You may list up to 12 items for FREE. It's cool because you set up an actual shop. Another selling venue is
Winkelf. Its free to list your items, with a small percentage of your final sales price. I have a special on both of these sites...buy two bottle cap art sets and get the third one FREE. All you have to do is to put in the message section of your PayPal checkout which set you would like as your freebie.
Some of you may be reading this and wondering wondering, "What the heck is bottle cap art?" Well, my art it's a collage of 1" circles images in a 4" x 6" format. It is a high resolution JPEG, that one can purchase and print themselves or copy the image onto a CD and take down to the local photo lab, such as Wal-mart, Walgreens, etc. and have them printed on photo paper. What do you do with these images? You can make bottle cap jewelry. Here's a great "
How to Make Bottle Cap Charms" I came across while doing a search on the internet.
Another fun thing to do with these is to print them out on sticker paper and let the kids have fun being creative.
These would make great inexpensive party gifts!